Mesher command Line

when you start mesher process, you can use mesher command line to specify configurations like below

mesher --config=mesher.yaml --service-ports=rest:8080



(optional, string) the path to mesher configuration file, default value is {current_bin_work_dir}/conf/mesher.yaml


(optional, string) mesher has 2 work mode, sidecar and per-host, default is sidecar


(optional, string) running as sidecar, mesher need to know local service ports, this is to tell mesher service port list, The value format is {protocol}-{suffix} or {protocol} if service has multiple protocol, you can separate with comma “rest-admin:8080,grpc:9000”. default is empty, in that case mesher will use header X-Forwarded-Port as local service port, if it is empty also mesher can not communicate to your local service